An occasional anti-virtuosic come-one-come-all Syracuse ukulele conflagration extravaganza!SyraUke Beach Party (why not?)
Our next conflagration will be… Feb 2, 2-5pm
at our HQ: 1003 E Fayette St. (corner of S. Crouse) #8 (third floor). Parking in back and around, enter through back door off the parking lot.
Harriet and I made the executive decision to skip this Saturday (which has nothing to do with the fact that Harriet’s not in town) (She’s at the beach) and get back to our first and third Saturday of the month.
Suggestion: send us the songs you’d really like to play and we’ll work on learning them before we get together! A little loose planning! Send songs to SYRAUKE@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU or email Joanna at and I’ll get them out to the group.
An awesome jam to start the new year!!
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Folsom_Prison.mp3, Home.mp3, Fuck-You.mp3, Fuck_You_Im_Drunk.mp3, You_Broke_My_Fucking_Heart.mp3, Sam_Hall.mp3, Ho_Hey.mp3, I_Fought_the_Law.mp3, Mad_World.mp3, Were_Going_to_be_Friends.mp3, Down_by_the_Water.mp3, Everyday.mp3, Worried_Man_BLues.mp3, Paradise.mp3, The_Middle.mp3, I_am_a_man_of_constant_sorrow.mp3, Ill_Fly_Away.mp3, Dance_A_Little_Longer.mp3, Wagon_Wheel.mp3″]
Songbook Three is here!!
- Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
- Bad Reputation
- Buckets of Rain
- Busby Berkeley Dreams
- Come on Eileen
- Cruel to Be Kind
- Deep River Blues
- Elephant Gun
- Enjoy the Silence
- Everybody Knows
- Goodbye
- Ho Hey
- I Am a Man Of Constant Sorrow
- I Don’t Believe You
- I Don’t Want To Get Over You
- I Fought The Law
- I Think I Need a New Heart
- Mad World
- Oh Yoko
- On the Cover of the Rolling Stone
- Papa Was Rodeo
- Pfft You Were Gone
- Queen of the Savages
- Return of the Grievous Angel
- Ring of Fire
- St. Louis Blues
- Understand Your Man
- We’re Going To Be Friends
- What’s Up
- Wildwood Flower
- Worried Man Blues
- You Meet the Nicest People in Your Dreams
I didn’t record the whole gathering (technology snafu). We were on fire! This is us just getting going:
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”dec012012_paradise.mp3, dec012012_youandi.mp3, dec012012_dancealittlelonger.mp3, dec012012_honkytonkwoman.mp3″]
We’ve shuffled the schedule a little for this month (holidays and all). So, be ready to SyraUke on:
Saturday, December 1
Saturday, December 15
2-5 pm
@ The Art School in The Art School
1003 E. Fayette St (corner of S. Crouse)
Apt 8 (3rd floor)
enter through the back door off the parking lot
As always, lots of beer, extra ukes and other odd instruments will be available.
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”nov102012_down_by_water.mp3, nov102012_home.mp3, nov102012_wagon_wheel.mp3, nov102012_ill_fly_away.mp3, nov102012_dont_think_twice.mp3, nov102012_everybody_talks.mp3, nov102012_jockey_full_of_bourbon.mp3, nov102012_im_on_fire.mp3, nov102012_paint_it_black.mp3, nov102012_hey_ya.mp3, nov102012_yoshimi_battles_robots.mp3, nov102012_all_the_best.mp3″]
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”oct272012_folsom_prison.mp3, oct272012_ill_fly_away.mp3, oct272012_jockey_full_of_bourbon.mp3, oct272012_I_got_stripes.mp3, oct272012_house_of_the_rising_sun.mp3, oct272012_sam-hall.mp3, oct272012_way_over_yonder.mp3, oct272012_wagon_wheel.mp3, oct272012_cocaine_habit_blues.mp3″]
Here it is:
We’ve decided to create a more regular schedule, so, unless otherwise notified,
we will now be meeting every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
We’ll bump into some holidays here and there,
so check-in now and again for updates.
We hope to see lots of new folks this fall!
We have plenty of extra ukes (and other crazy stuff!) to play. Beginners are always welcome.
We’ll be happy to teach you what we know.
We’ll be meeting at our regular joint:
The Art School in the Art School
1003 E. Fayette Street, Apt. 8
(Corner of E. Fayette and S. Crouse – Enter by the back door.)
The 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Check out our Facebook page (we’re a little more active there!)