
An occasional anti-virtuosic come-one-come-all Syracuse ukulele conflagration extravaganza!
February 14th, 2012 by admin

Welcome to SyraUke!!

Feb 11 conflag

We meet about every 2 weeks–every other meeting is SyraUke+, an any  instrument, anything goes jam.

Beginners and newbies welcome. We have extra ukes and will show you how to play.

Check out our group on facebook; join our listserv


3 Responses to “Welcome to SyraUke!!”
  1. So excited that groups are forming! Would love to hear you next time you play! Maybe the Ukes and Ice Cream Therapy group and the Syraukes could get together sometime. I am sure someone must be connected to folks in both. We are out in Verona and our friends are in Blossvale, so we drive in for the sessions and performances. Keep us posted! Thanks! Deb

  2. Kathleen DiGennaro says

    I would like to join Syraukes at the next meeting.

  3. Mike Alexander says

    I’m learning to play the ukulele and would like to be able to practice with some others. lol, I always sound better when I play in a group. I’ve got at least one other buddy interested as well. There may be as many as four of us seriously interested in playing. Whey do you guys meet up?

